Indian Passport Renewal in UAE

With the number of Indian diaspora around the world, especially in the UAE, the question of renewing national documents abroad is essential for Indians. This article will cover the basics of applying to renew an Indian passport in Dubai and other Emirates.

Table of contents

Is it possible to renew an Indian passport in UAE?

Yes, you can apply for an Indian passport overseas, and the process is pretty simple. The applications for passport renewals are processed through BLS International Services Centre. Then, the Indian diplomatic mission processes and issues the passports.

Where to get an Indian passport in Dubai?

To apply for your Indian passport, visit a BLS International centre, which you can find in the following cities:

These are the service centres that provide Indian passport and visa services.

How many months before expiration should you renew an Indian passport?

Generally, you can renew your passport up to one year before the expiration date. However, suppose for any reason you need to get it sooner (for example, longer-term visa applications may demand more period of validity left in your passport). In that case, there may be an option to provide documental proof to get this done.

Documents required for Indian passport renewal abroad

To apply, have these documents ready:

Indian passport photo requirements

Here is an example of required photo:

Photo for an Indian passport

Get an Indian passport photo online!

To make your application process quicker, you can opt to get your application photo processed online and ensure that it’s fully compliant with the parameters explained above.

The professional online service Visafoto can get your Indian passport photo done in agreement with the parameters. Visafoto can turn your homemade portrait of any size and background into a fully compliant photo: it changes your background, adjusts the sizes, and even fixes red eyes. Just make sure to take your photo in good lighting and according to dress code guidelines.

Take an image with a smartphone or camera against any background, upload it here and instantly get a professional photo for your visa, passport or ID. No registration required. You will see results in seconds.
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Source photo example that you need to take in order to make a passport or visa photo at


Result example: a correct visa or passport photo that you will receive

Let’s look at some examples. First, take a selfie under daylight:

Passport photo original source

And you will get photos for printing and online submission:

Example of an Indian passport photo
India passport photos for printing

How much time does it take to renew an Indian passport in UAE?

Usually, a minimum of five working days is needed to process your passport renewal application with the regular renewal service. The Tatkal process can usually be quicker, as the processing time can be at least 2 working days.

Indian passport renewal fees in UAE

The renewal fees depend on the kind of passport, your age group, and the kind of service used.

Standard renewal service prices (not Tatkal):

Tatkal renewal costs:

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