Baby Passport Photo Guidelines

According to the rules of most countries, even the youngest babies need a passport if you plan to take them abroad.

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As with any passport, you will need a passport photo for a baby. In most cases, it is necessary to have a photo ID for a child to fly. The size, format, and background requirements for these pictures are the same as those for adult documents. Find the country you need in our list.

You will need a baby photo ID even if the kid is a few days old. Usually, the parents take an infant passport photo themselves: it's much faster and more convenient than taking your child to the photo studio. Let us give you some practical tips, and you will see that taking a baby passport photo at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance!

DIY baby passport photo

What will you need:

Lifehack: if you use Visafoto tool to edit your passport picture you can take a photo of your kid against absolutely any background. Visafoto will replace it automatically. Detailed instructions are given below.

How to take a newborn baby passport photo

Take several snapshots and choose the best one. Now it is time to edit your picture to meet official requirements. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use special software like Visafoto. Just upload the photo, choose the country you need a passport for, and instantly get an infant passport photo matching all the required criteria.

Take an image with a smartphone or camera against any background, upload it here and instantly get a professional photo for your visa, passport or ID. No registration required. You will see results in seconds.
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Source photo example that you need to take in order to make a passport or visa photo at


Result example: a correct visa or passport photo that you will receive

Visafoto will adjust the background, set the required size and format, make a slight color correction and even fix a tilt head if needed. The child passport photo made at Visafoto will look like you’ve made it at a professional studio - but in fact, it will take much less effort and funds.

Visafoto provides customers with two versions of a photo:

The above guidelines are applicable to newborn baby passport photos, to passport pictures for toddlers as well as to adult passport photos.

Can an infant be photographed for a passport when sleeping?

In most countries, it is acceptable for children under one-year-old to keep their eyes closed in the passport photo. Therefore, you can take a passport picture of a newborn in sleep, saving time and effort. However, remember that you need uniformly bright lighting, so it's best to catch your baby at daytime nap time.

How to take a photo of a 3-5-year-old child?

The approach to the photo shoot depends on the child's character, and how used they are to be photographed. If the baby regularly poses for the camera, it is enough to set the right tone for the photo session: choose comfortable, familiar clothes, and make a neat hairstyle. If the child is often naughty or fidgety, you can invite one of your adult friends: children take the process more seriously when other people are present.

It is advisable to shoot in the morning, when the child is not yet at peak activity and there are no problems with good light. Stand 1.5-2 metres away from the kid and put the lens at face level. Make sure the child's posture is straight, the expression is calm and the gaze is directed to the lens.

Always take several photos to choose the best one.

How to photograph fidgety children for documents?

If we are talking about an infant, then, as mentioned above, you can take a picture of the baby in sleep. For an older child, you can take a video and then take a screenshot of a good pic or cut it out with a special application (e.g., Video2Photo). In addition to video, you can also use burst mode.

The child passport photo is out of date - what to do?

Suppose you took a 1-month-old baby passport photo. Even some parents may have trouble recognizing their child in an old portrait. Will you need a new passport photo for a 1-year-old in the future? Formally the passport is effective for the entire period of validity. There is no need to make a new passport because of the changes in appearance. But if you are making a visa for another country, then, of course, it is necessary to bring a fresh baby visa photo, taken no later than 6 months ago.

Canada: signing a child's passport photo

Canadian officials require that the ID photo be signed to verify the identity of the applicant. Who can sign a passport photo for a newborn in this case? Commonly, the person who signs the photo must have known the baby or child and it could be your friend or neighbor.

What is not acceptable in a child's passport photo?

If any of the following details are present in the photo, it is likely that the passport application will be rejected:

What if a baby passport photo is not approved?

With Visafoto that happens very rarely: our photos have a 99.7% pass rate. But if your photo is not accepted for any reason, just contact our support to get an immediate refund.

Last update: April 2023


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