NIE Card Application in Spain

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If you're a foreigner planning to stay in Spain for a long time or engage in economic or legal activities there, you will likely need a NIE number Spain Card. But, what is a NIE Card in Spain?

Read on to find out everything you need to know about how to apply for a NIE, including the required documents, fees, and photos.

NIE number and card explained

For people holding EU passports, there are two kinds of NIE options available: the NIE "number" and the NIE "card".

What is an NIE number? — The NIE number is simply a number printed on plain white paper.

In contrast, the NIE card is a small green card, often called a residency certificate (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión) or residency card (tarjeta de residencia). The card enables you to handle various everyday formalities in Spain.

Green NIE, White NIE and TIE: the difference

In Spain, "White NIE," "Green NIE," and "TIE" stand for distinct types of documents used for identification and residency. Here’s a clear explanation of each:

White NIE

The White NIE is a straightforward document on white A4 paper that includes the Número de Identidad de Extranjero (NIE number). It is necessary for administrative tasks like purchasing property, opening a bank account, or launching a business in Spain.

Green NIE (Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Unión)

So called “NIE for EU citizens​” — a compact, laminated green card granted to EU citizens planning to live in Spain for more than three months.

TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero)

So called “NIE for non-EU citizens” — a plastic residency card provided to non-EU citizens residing in Spain for more than six months.

To sum up, the White NIE is for administrative tasks, the Green NIE is meant for EU citizen residency, and the TIE serves non-EU resident identification and residency purposes in Spain.

NIE application process in Spain

Here is where to apply and how to book a NIE appointment:

  1. Locate your nearest Oficina de Extranjería (foreigners' office) or a local police station that handles NIE applications.
  2. Visit the Sede Electrónica website to schedule an appointment online to minimize wait times.
  3. Attend your appointment, bring the required documents, and submit your application.
  4. Once your NIE is processed, pick up your NIE card.

Documents required for NIE application

According to the NIE number Spain requirements, you will need the following documents:

NIE photo requirements

When you apply for an NIE in Spain, your photo must meet these criteria:

Here is a photo example:

Spanish NIE photo requirements

Get your NIE photo online

For taking your NIE photo, using an online service like is a reliable option. This professional photo editing service boasts an impressive 99.7% approval rate.

To use it, simply snap a photo against a plain white background using your phone or digital camera and upload it to The service will automatically adjust the background, resolution, colors, and crop the image to fit the required dimensions.

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It should look like this:

Original photo

You will get a digital version suitable for online submissions and a print-ready copy. If you’re unhappy with the outcome, Visafoto offers free replacements. Plus, if the photo is rejected by officials, you can get a full refund.

Example photo for Spanish NIE
Photos for Spanish NIE for printing
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Spanish ID Photo App

7ID: Spanish NIE Photo App
7ID App: Spanish NIE Photo Requirements
7ID App: Spanish NIE Photo Background Editor

For an even more convenient experience, you can try the 7ID app from This app uses advanced technology to enhance your photo. It works on both iPhone and Android, making it accessible for everyone.

All you need to do is upload your photo and choose your document type and country. The app will automatically ensure that your photo meets official specifications by adjusting size, format, background color, and centering your face and eyes. You will receive a digital file and a print template that fits standard paper sizes like 10×15, A4, A5, or B5.

If you need any assistance, our technical support team is available 24/7 to help you out.

NIE card processing time

When you apply for an NIE in person at an Oficina de Extranjería or local police station, you can usually expect to receive it within a few days to a few weeks. The exact timeframe can vary based on the region and how busy the office is when you apply.

If you're applying from outside Spain through a Spanish consulate, the process generally takes longer, often several weeks and potentially up to two months.

NIE application fees

As of 2025, the fee for obtaining an NIE in Spain is about EUR 10. This fee is paid using the Modelo 790 form, specifically under code 012, and must be paid at a bank prior to submitting your application.

NIE card renewal

What is the NIE number validity? — The NIE number itself is permanent and doesn’t expire, it remains your unique identification number for all dealings with Spanish authorities. However, if there are changes in your residency status, such as getting married or obtaining Spanish citizenship, you may need to update this information.

There’s also a temporary NIE option, which is valid for three months and is often used for specific needs like buying property. This can later be converted into a permanent NIE with the required additional paperwork.

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  • Access to complete photo history
  • Support for paid photos through the in-app chat
  • 7ID includes free QR and barcode storage, free PIN code storage, and a free signature maker

Download 7ID App for iOS   Download 7ID App for Android

Visit the 7ID website for more information >

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